Glaucoma Coach #1 was originally published on February 6th, 2020.

Below is the visual field of a patient. Is this a normal visual field?

Glaucoma Coach #1


In this visual field, there is a “nasal step” which is a classic defect that is associated with early glaucoma.

In the accompanying 23 min. video featuring Dr. Hady Saheb, Glaucoma Fellowship Director at McGill University in Montreal, you will learn:

  • The options for minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS)
  • How to read visual fields, and a visual field change that is suggestive of glaucoma
  • How management decisions are made about patients with glaucoma
Glaucoma Coach #1 Analysis

Glaucoma Coach Tip

Nasal step defects are visual field defects that are suggestive of early field damage.

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