OCT Tip 225 was originally published on October 1st, 2021.

A patient presents with very mild blurred vision. Why?

Tip #225


Here the retina itself is within normal limits. There is some prominence of Henle’s fibres (video). There is a deep elevation whereby the RPE is elevated. But it is not detached from underlying Bruch’s membrane. There is a thickening of the choroid. The patient had a visible macular elevation (video).

The patient was treated for choroidal hemangioma.

In this tip's accompanying 12 min. video, we'll review:

  • The differential diagnosis of a deep retinal elevation
  • How a choroidal hemangioma differs from a melanoma on A-scan
  • The angiographic pattern of a hemangioma
Tip #225 Analysis


In an elevation which corresponds to thickening of the choroid consider a circumscribes hemangioma as a cause.

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