A 69-year-old presents with distortion. This image is consistent with which diagnosis?

Tip #298


There is a significant thickening of the inner retina. At the center of the elevation is a thin-walled lesion. This area correlated with a vascular lesion on angiography. There was also significant shadowing of the deeper layers of the retina on OCT

The patient was diagnosed with a retinal artery macroaneurysm (RAM).

In this tip's accompanying 5 min. video, we will review:

  • Causes of hyperreflectivity in the deeper retina
  • How an retinal artery macroaneurysm appears on angiography
  • The classic presentation of RAM
Tip #298 Analysis


In any patient who presents with an inner retinal elevation, always consider RAM. Also consider RAM in a circinate pattern of exudation.

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