Issue 13
Is hyperreflectivity in retina always abnormal?

Issue 14
Fluid or normal?

Issue 15
Thickened inner retina

Issue 16
Don't assume that subretinal fluid (SRF) equals wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Issue 17
Numerous white spots in the retina

Issue 18
Always look at the choroid in all patients with subretinal fluid (SRF)

Issue 19
On every OCT look at the choriocapillaris

Issue 20
Irregular pigment epithelial detachment (PED)

Issue 21
A hyperreflective lesion in the superficial retina

Issue 22
Cystic pigment epithelial detachment (PED)

Issue 23
Hyperintense OCT material is not always exudate or hemorrhage

Issue 24
Choroidal neovascular membrane (CNV) with a thin choroid